Flower Power: Honeysuckle

I grew up surrounded by gorgeous honeysuckle vines that bloomed every spring, perfuming the air with their lovely scent – to this day, it’s one of my favorite outdoor smells!  As I learned a bit about magickal uses for the plant this week, I thought I would share.

Honeysuckle is all about:
Passion and sexuality
Strengthening intuition
Attracting blessings


“Honeysuckle’s energetic signature has to do with activating, unsticking, and getting things moving. This includes releasing things that no longer serve to enhance our life flow.

Her heady, sensual scent can help us get out of our minds and into our bodies and to release fears and limiting beliefs about our sexuality. For this purpose, try simply inhaling the scent and spending time in quiet contemplation with a blossoming plant. You might also place a muslin charm bag with fresh blossoms near your bed.

To release blocks to intuition, charge water in the light of the full moon and then use a honeysuckle blossom to anoint your belly, heart, and third eye with the water.”

Honeysuckle is said to have the power to represent ties between lovers, symbolizing the lovers’ embrace with its climbing growing pattern.

Sources: Llewellyn’s Witches Datebook 2015, occult100.com, and for more detailed info, check out Herbal Riot